Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Take a Day To Be a Mom - it's not as easy as it looks!

Upon looking around and feeling stressed because things around the house and some paperwork was getting out of hand, I decided to take the day to "just be a mom".

It took me back to the days when that was "all" I was, the days before my home business took over most of my days and competed relentlessly for my time and attention.

Hectic as they where, I look back on those days as the best of my life, at no time has my life ever been so full of love and adoration, both for my kids... and from my kids. There is no better feeling.

So... Having made the great decision to tie up a few loose ends and spend the rest of the day basking in hominess, enjoying my circuit and getting up to speed on a few things that where lagging, I immediately, before I even had time to write this post, received an email that I had been waiting for.

I deliberated on putting it to the side, but find myself working on it! I can't seem to help myself.

The clock is ticking and I am once again wondering if I am going to get "the day" or not.

Hmmm.... the life of a work at home mom... nothing is cut and dried.

Work/Home, Work/Home, the saga continues :0)

post script: The Good News - The good news is that either way I am having a great day! Hope you are too. The important thing is to do what is important, be it work or home. What's nagging you today? Is there a niggling chore that you have been putting off in favour of checking your email or surfing the web? If so, get to it. You'll feel great! And don't stop there! Use that euphoric feeling to keep you "up" for the next one!

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