Saturday, October 21, 2006

It's Saturday, Another Homey Day

I like to breathe on Saturdays and dedicate the day to puttering around the house. It's the day that I focus on catching up on anything that's gotten out of hand or jobs that I just can't get to through the week.

Not to say that every Saturday is a blank slate, there are still lots of distractions and many times obligations that take much of the day. But in the time that I do have, I don't try to spend time on the computer, pack orders or think about work.

I like to set myself for the week ahead by organizing and spending the day concentrating on the "Home Base" (that seems to be a missing equation in the term "Home Based Business", or home truly is our work base and it needs attention to!)

Do you have a day that you can set aside just to be "homey"? It does wonders for stress relief as well, it's a day that I truly feel "at home". Be in the moment, one moment at a time.

Try it! You'll like the fresh feeling you'll have on Monday!

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