Saturday, March 17, 2007

House Wife Head

I had my hair trimmed last week and as luck would have it have spent the past two days going places so took the time to blow dry it and curl it, do the make up, all that fun stuff.

I realized that I looked a lot better than I usually do.

It has occured to me that much of the reason that I am looking older and more plain, is simply because I am not looking after my appearance the way I used to in my younger days. I NEVER left the house without doing my hair and make up back then. I remember myself as having character in my appearance - I wore eye catching earrings and clothes that suited my style, not just anything that fit and was fast to throw on.

Granted, I don't have the time now that I did then, but a lot of it was just habit and also the fear of someone seeing me look a mess. Now days I don't care about that so much, but the revelation is that I care what I look like. I feel so much more "me", and so much better when I look presentable.

So I wanted to share it with you, in case you are feeling frumpy. Maybe you still got the goods :0) You just need to take a bit of time in the presentation. Most imporantly, do it for your self.

The nice side effect may be more respect and acknowledgement from the people around you who have come to think you are part of the woodwork (I'm thinking kids at the moment, it can never hurt to give them a good example, but it could include husbands, inlaws, other family members and who knows who else)


Plan an extra 10 - 15 minutes per day to do your hair, a little make up if you choose, sometimes lip gloss is all it takes.

You'll look "marvelous" (think Billy Crystal and give yourself a kiss :0)