Thursday, October 19, 2006

Strange Euphoria

I ask myself some mornings what is the best way to get motivated to do my daily BOOST Circuit instead of hopping right to the fun stuff at work.

What it comes down to is connecting with the deep feeling of gratitude for everything that I have, and the knowing that if I take care of it, it is even better, by a long shot. Remembering just what I am doing everything else for.

So when the kids go out the door for school, a feeling of deep peace comes over me. Not just because of the obvious!

I look around me and really see everything that I have to be grateful for. I have a home to clean. I have kids to look after. I have lots of things that I enjoy and admire, like a dishwasher (the best investment I have ever made)

I reflect on the fact that this won't always be so. So I want to enjoy it to the fullest today.

And that starts by taking the time to keep it nice.

So I'm off to do my BOOST Circuit - along with an MP3 audio, a timer and a smile. It really does give me a boost for the whole day!

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