Thursday, November 02, 2006

Clean Out Your Purse in No Time!

My purse had been out of hand for quite some time, it somehow seems to slip by the regular sessions around the house. I had to start digging for my debit card in plenty of time before I checked through the grocery line! Not cool!

Meantime I have regularly been driving to town with my son , he recently got his G1 driver's license which is a whole other story :0)

Anyway, I was sitting in our van waiting for him and it occured to me to just go ahead and do my purse right there and then.

When I was finished I had an unbelievable pile of garbage to take to the house , but my purse is manageable and it took NO TIME out of my day to do it.

The moral of the story? Just Do It Now!

My inspiration? Carole's "Whole Life Make Over" ecourse. She advocates "wearing it away" - getting it done a little at a time. The funny thing is that often I seem to get it done a lot at a time in less time than I think.

A lot of this stuff really is a game we play in our heads. I am becoming convinced that much of the overwhelm in my life is due to me turning molehills into mountains, therefore avoiding them until they are mountains. One reason why the ecourse works so well, she gives it to us in bite sized, doable pieces so that it's easy to get to the top.

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