Monday, October 30, 2006

A Dream Come True

I dream of getting up extremely early to get an amazing head start on my day.

I dream of waking up to a clean kitchen so that I can start my day with a smile.

I dream of waking up to a clean bathroom so that I can start my day with a sparkle.

I dream of waking up to the washing machine on with a full load of clothes in it.

Guess what?

Today my dream came true.

I was lucky enough to stumble on an ebook called "Secret Confessions of a Neat Freak" and ecourse - "Whole Life Overhaul" by Carole Pagan last week.

To be honest, I haven't even been following the course or read the entire ebook yet. But through skimming I have already found a few gold nuggets that have made a huge change in the way I've been doing things.

It even works beautifully with my BOOST Circuit, making it even easier.

The first nugget is to make having the dishes done/counters wipe a non negotiable every night by bedtime.

That seems to be the general concensus of every "clean freak" I have ever known, and it really does change things. The first few nights I found myself propping my eyelids open to finish up before I went to bed. Guess What? Now I make sure they are done after supper, or at least early evening. It's already becomong a habit.

She also spoke of wiping down the bathroom as well. I thought - no way - dishes at bedtime is enough for me. But Guess What? After I started getting the dishes finished earlier, I had time to give the bathroom a quick wipe. It takes less than 5 minutes. The bathroom looks great. And it gives me another BOOST so that when I am in there during my cleaning time, I can do other things like pick up clutter that seems to collect there.

And, for the first time I tried out the timer feature on my washing machine. If you are lucky enough to have one, I highly recommend it! What a great feeling to get up in the morning to the washer washing and I didn't have to groggily touch a thing!

And it's done in plenty of time to dry if the kids are out of something too.

It kind of makes you WANT to get up in the morning!

If you are tired of buying books that you don't use, check out either one, I recommend both of them.

They are full of practical information, written by a real, live, Clean Freak.

Now we can find out the real, inside secrets to how they do it, which I have personally always wondered about!

And Guess What. It really is as easy as they make it look.

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