Thursday, February 08, 2007

Crazy Buzy?

Today I was pondering what the reasons may be for my continual sense of hurry and rush.

I haven't always been this way, at one time, many years ago it seems, I just lived. I rushed when I had to go somewhere as I almost always lost my keys or spent too long on my hair (like I said, a loong time ago!)

But I didn't have the mindset that I do now, the constant need to fit 110% into a 100% time slot.

I first noticed it when my first child was born. An herein lies the key.

That was when I first started getting interupted on a regular basis.

So I started rushing to get everything and everything finished before the next interuption. (and it never seems to stop, actually it only gets bigger - he's 16 now and called me at 9 am from school yesterday to bring his backpack that he forgot - my first much anticipated "office day" in some time. The school is 45 min away!)

Anyway, I just interupted myself :0)

After that, I had a daughter, the another daughter, then a home business, then another home business.

They snowball onto themselves until life is almost one big interuption with me scurrying in between to "do something".

The one thing that all of this has in common is that I now have an ingrained fear of lack.

I am constantly feeling a lack of time. Like "my time" has been taken away from me. It's a common Mom thing. We're doing something bigger, we need to keep site of that, but the fact is, our time... our life... is no longer our own.

The good news is that there are ways to make it better.

The first one is to step back and breath, on a regular basis :0)

Hurrying and scurrying becomes so much a part of us that we don't even realise that this has become our mindset.

Slow down. Life is not going to get away on you. Ironically, the more you chase it, the farther away it gets.

Tomorrow I will post a very easy and practical tool that you can use to change your mindset instantly. It works for me!


Look at your mind set. What condition is it in?

Are you rushing constantly, even when you really don't have to. Are you always trying to fit one more thing in just because you can (or even when you can't) You need to step back.

Take a deep breath. It will relax you and energize you. And give you a moment to pause.

Do this as often as possible through out the day.

Remember - no matter how fast you go, there are only 24 hours in a day, you can't change that!
And they are a limited comodity. Better enjoy them NOW.

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