Sunday, November 26, 2006

Christmas Ponderings

This morning I was making breakfast (we have chickens so I just ran out to the coop, collected a few eggs and presto, had the makings for a good breakfast - store bought eggs do not compare - raising chickens for eggs is easy - if you live out of town with a bit of property I highly recommend it)

Anyway, as I was making breakfast my youngest daughter came down the stairs looking all cute and sleepy eyed in her (actually mine) flannel nightgown.

I was right just turning to flip the eggs but in a split second decided to go give her a hug and tell her how much I loved "my beautiful girl".

It made me think that when she grows up, she will have some great mommy moments to remember and how precious that is. And all it took was a moment and a concious decision.

Then a few moments later I heard a funky song on the radio that went

"I just want to celebrate another day of living,
I just want to celebrate another day of life.
Yeah, Yeah."

And that reminded me of a thought I was having yesterday about how we should take more time (and some do this naturally, especially our grandparents generation) to honour the people in our lives, bottom line is that the people in our lives are who make our lives what they are and we sorely notice it when they are gone.

When they are gone, or when we are gone, we will never have this opportunity or experience again to be here with them. How rich we are at this very moment.

And that got me thinking of how we are all the same in spirit truly - some good, some bad and somewhere in the middle, nobody is perfect and we all want to love, even if we don't show it.

And for some reason the saying "turn the other cheek" popped into my head and I wondered, maybe Jesus meant not (or only) to turn the other cheek to those who hurt you - not worry or waste time on revenge as it only hurts ourselves in the long run - but to turn the other cheek literally - look the other way to the positive side of your life. In my own life, many times I spend far too much time dwelling on the negative instead of celebrating the so many great things that I have to enjoy. Most of us have plenty to be happy about if we just "turned the other cheek" and looked that way.

I think the greeting Namaste (the spirit in me meets and honours the spirit in you) sums it up very nicely (there are many literal translations)

Namaste and Have a Happy Christmas

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