Monday, March 05, 2007

Just Say Yes!

Have you ever put something off so long that the energy taken to stress about not doing it was more than actually doing it?

I've been "meaning" to bath our pomeranian for a few weeks, she was getting shtinky!

But I kept putting it off, waiting for my daughter - who's dog it "really" is, to be home to help, to have a night without other stuff to do etc etc.

Yesterday, on Sunday, she said, can we wash the Deva Dog (website coming soon :0) now?

Normally, I would have on autopilot just said no, I was in the middle of "other things".

But I somehow short circuited and just said Yes.

So up we went and gave the poor dog a bath.

It probably took about 20 minutes and it was finished.

I should have done it weeks ago!


What are you putting off that has passed beyond the point of waiting for a good time, into the point of feeling like a 100 lb weight on your shoulders.

Just go and do it. Then dance a little jig because it's out of your hair. Take a deep breath and feel the freedom!

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