Spring is the time of year when busy becomes Busy with a capital B.
With the end of school year activities, gardening and outdoor activities and trying to prepare for summer, it leaves one wondering when we are ever going to get to our spring cleaning checklist.
Oh yeah. that would be tomorrow.
Part of the reason that we put spring cleaning off is that it's not urgent today.
It's not even urgent tomorrow.
In the small picture.
But when we look at big picture it becomes a different ballgame.
Imagine yourself in the heat of summer. The kids are at home. Piling mess upon mess.
Upon old mess...
How much nicer would it be to start the summer fresh?
To pile a new mess upon a clean table. And see it instead of having it disappear into the abyss.
Seeing it means being aware and able to say "hey - get your stuff off the table!"
The possibilities are endless.
Have you ever noticed that mess makes stress?
How much calmer and more enjoyable do you think the summer holidays with the kids is going to be with less mess from the get go?
And let's go bigger.
Your little rug rats and mess makers are grown up and gone from the house.
What kind of memories do you want your kids to have?
Do you want them to remember a peaceful home or a place they remember frustration and embarrassment.
Are they going to want to come back? Or will they prefer to send a house cleaner?
What if there's an easy way to tackle spring cleaning and get that checklist done?
There is.
The secret is in a few words.
- Priorities
- Planning
- Consistency
- Action
- Achievement
- Make a plan.
- Do it consistently.
- Over and over.
- Enjoy your achievement and let it motivate you to do it again.
At the moment - I'm off to get started on my spring cleaning checklist!
If you need a plan, a structured spring cleaning checklist, support and motivation, join me at the Spring Into Spring Cleaning Challenge. We're cleaning up, 20 minutes at a time!
If not, why not drop by the iShine Community and introduce yourself?

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