We spent some time over the March break getting things in order around here. Decluttering - a seemingly never ending job - putting things away etc.
When we where finished, I found myself with a sense of peace over the following days, the mere act of walking in a room was calming and just made me feel good.
It occured to me that I needed to take notice of this feeling, absorb it and be sure to notice it, and my surroundings if I wanted to stay motivated to keep it that way.
All too often things get really nice, only to fall back after a busy spell, a time of illness or any number of road blocks.
But if we can fully ingrain the good stuff, feel it so fully that it feels off every time we waver away from it, we will find ourselves doing what it takes, taking that extra step, even when we don't feel like it, to keep things at the "new normal".
It becomes far too precious to us to loose.
What is your normal? What have you gotten used to, either good or bad?
If it's something good, you have found a way to keep it that way, how can you apply your strategy to a problem area in your life, or house?
Is your normal KAOS? Pick one area, work on it consistantly, if only for 5 minutes a day until it's a place where you feel good being. Notice it. Breath it in. Make it your new normal.
Use this strength to keep it this way, even when you don't feel like it.
Me? Even though I rather feel like vegging for awhile, I'm going to go and do my circuit for 1/2 hour because I really want to keep it this way!