I was contemplating how I dug in and stuck to my guns today, doing my BOOST Circuit as I was supposed to, to keep the house nice this weekend, instead of working on my far overdue bookkeeping. Have you ever been tempted by work when you had other obligations?
I had a shower and walked up the stairs to my bedroom, so totally relaxed in the feeling of peace and freedom that the clear and clean spaces gave me.
And it occurred to me how easily I could have spared myself a lifetime of guilt and feelings of failure but simply sticking to my guns, sticking to my plans, the ones that I made for myself!
It all boils down to self discipline, trying to get away with something, and trying to do too much.
I have always found it ironic when I would have people drop in and would be horrified at the mess, and know that these people are thinking that I’m a lazy sloth.
Nothing can be farther from the truth.
I have unbelievable drive. I jump out of bed at the earliest time I can wedge my eyeballs open every morning and work until I can’t keep my eyes open at night.
I seldom watch TV or do much of anything that isn’t “doing” something.
But sometime I still fall behind.
And I know exactly why. It’s because I don’t always discipline myself to do what I know I know I should be doing. This leaves me scattered. And that does not accomplish what needs to be done in the order that it needs to be done in.
I think that by plowing through that I WILL get it all done, and I probably will, but at what cost?
My kids get muddled and stressed with the mess, what kind of an example I am setting I shudder to think.
The feeling that I just can’t get it right on those days, and those days are the ones that stand out like a sore thumb.
All it takes is the pledge to yourself, to do what you say you will.
Do you ever notice that the people who have it “together” have an iron will of self discipline? The are in control and don’t let what they need to do be messed with.
Take an example from them. (The ebook by Carole Pagan called “Confessions of a Clean Freak” is an inside look on one of “those people”. Ever wanted to be a fly on a wall. Now you can!)
Set clear priorities first. Every day.
Home and family are a must. And the basics are a neat and functional home. And proper meals.
That comes first – a little bit every day is all that it takes.
If you can relate, believe me, it isn’t hard, it just takes conviction to stick to your plan.
Make one today. Make it doable and stick to it. And be sure to make it consistant.
The feeling of accomplishment – that you have ARRIVED – is so energizing that you will blast off from there to get the rest done.
Your family will win, your business will win, and you will win, big time.
Start today.