Monday, November 05, 2007
Movie Rave - Snow Cake
It's sad and wise and humorous.
I don't want to give much away, but I will tell you that the main story is about a man(Alan Rickman does a bang up job in a completely different role to the sorcerer Severus Snape he plays in Harry Potter) who ends up staying with a highly functioning autistic woman for a few days (Signorie Weaver who is nothing less than incredible in this role) while trying to deal with a trauma. She helps him by showing him (and us) her unaffected view on life and the world - it's often refreshing as well as funny - and he teaches her a few things too.
The grandparents in the movie are truly beautiful people, people who teach you about strength and unconditional love, people who everyone would be better for having in their life - the kind of people you'd love to have in your corner (they remind me of mine, who are gone now).
Vivienne, the girl who is never forgotten throughout the film, teaches us that appearances can be deceiving and not to be so quick to judge. And she teaches us a thing or two about living.
The real kicker for me is that the movie was filmed in Wawa, Ontario, a good drive, but not too far from here. I'm seeing many more really good Canadian films and books the past years, I don't know what has taken so long. Come to think of it, the characters are often kind of strange and quirky, but they are always unique :0)
To see more reviews and get the movie, click here.
Snow Cake
See Snow Cake at, although it is probably cheaper to purchase it US and ship it here if you can, the Canadian price is double.
Saturday, October 20, 2007
Satruday is D Day (D-Clutter!)
Since decluttering is something that needs to be done regularly to be effective, I decided to pick a day - Saturday for me - and do a decluttering session, even if it is only one small thing.
This week it is a large thing so I've been spending more time with it - my office supplies cupboard.
You can see more info on the project - the starting picture and the article that inspired me here
Organize Your Office Supply Cabinet
You can see how it is coming along and more details about joining the D Day Challenge so that you can get results for yourself at this link.
Declutter Day Project
Hope to see you there!
Friday, September 21, 2007
Meal Time On Time at last!
I'm taking the slow approach, building a little at a time, starting with supper time meals, using what we have in the house and going from there.
I've seen a huge difference in just the first 3 days.
It has really shown me that 90% of success is not only in the planning, but in the focus.
Merely having a plan on the white board calender on my fridge, printed neatly so it is easily read, has been enough to remind me to stay straight in making our meals and remembering to get them started on time.
It all started with an ebook that I stumbled upon a few weeks ago. Just one idea from it, the idea to use a white board on the fridge (and freezer) has made a huge difference. And there is a lot more where that came from.
I am so impressed that I started a personal blog called "What's Cookin' at Jan's" that is available to anyone who purchases purchases Meal Time On Time through the link below.
You can see my family recipes in "real time", how I "make it easy" and the worksheets etc that I use in my own meal planning. And I will be providing it in audio form as well. Like I said, it really can be a lot of fun, and together, it is a lot more fun!
If it sounds like something you could use, you can see more details at
Meal Time, On Time - Meal Planning Made Easy.
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
Back to School Lunches
It's always a challenge to pack healthy lunches that the kids can get enthusiastic about so I've decided to skip the wailing and knashing of teeth (sometimes it's me, sometimes it's the kids, depending on the day!) and enlisted some outside help.
It's a big load off because frankly, I worry that they get enough nutrition for a strong start in life if I don't make a special effort to be sure.
One thing that I am grateful for myself, is that fact that my mother always had 3 square meals a day for us (we helped, but they where there). I have always suspected that my own good health in my adult years where because of it.
Just what I need!
One thing we don't want to fall behind on as parent is our children's health, but it isn't easy to provide healthy meals on a consistant basis.
After having a good look around, the one thing that strikes me as being incredibly useful is the potential to brainstorm food choices at a glance with my daughter.
I will be printing some of these ideas so that we can pull them out when planning any meal really, lunches included, and decide together what to have. (recipes are also included)
If you are stuck and looking for a resource to help you create a healthier meal and lifestyle plan, you should check it out. The owner also donates 10% company profits to charity.
Eat Well - Live Well. Join the one member's only website that caters to busy people who want to live a healthy lifestyle! Recipes, snacks, fitness and motivation tips and more. All for one low price!
Thursday, July 05, 2007
Just Get It Going
So I had to bite the bullet and get back on track. I've been making an effort to get back on my BOOST Circuit and dedicate at least an hour to it every day.
Since things are unbalanced, the time slots have been as well, I've spent longer in some rooms than I normally would when I have been doing it daily.
But now, at the end of the first week I am seeing big changes. And I realize that the only difference between this week and last is that I made the commitment of one hour per day and did it, no matter what.
It brought to mind the common internet marketing advice, it doesn't have to be perfect, just get it going.
We get overwhelmed and wonder why bother, but the truth is, that if we start, and keep doing it every day, even a little bit, we will see a difference. It may never be perfect, but it will be better, and that counts for a lot!
If you've been treading water or worse - drowning, time to move ahead.
Pick a time to do a 10 - 15 minute clean up in a few rooms or areas of your house of your choosing (to total about an hour, if you are inspired to do more, go ahead, just know when to quit, if it becomes a chore, you won't want to do it again tomorrow, or your brain will tell you that you did well today so when tomorrow comes you will have an excuse not to do it. You need to develop the routine and stick to it)
Get your timer and go.
Do it every day for a week. By then you will be so happy you won't want to stop.
You may want to check out Carole Pagan's "Whole Life Overhaul", a weekly email program that will bring gradual improvement to your life. Interesting, down to earth and practical.
Whole Life Overhaul
Saturday, April 28, 2007
Life is in "The Moments"
A few days ago my two oldest children, myself and my husband where installing some windows on a beautiful spring day.
It's been a very long time since just the 4 of us have worked together on anything, usually my youngest daughter is home so it is either all of us, or various combinations.
It was one of the nicest evenings that I've had in a long time, having us all work together. My son and daughter seem to be over the hump of moodiness and uneven development, they are starting to be on the same page in development again, almost like when they where small and used to dance together (their picture sits on my desk).
How do you get a "moment"? You usually can't plan them, but you can set yourself up to having more of them.
What does it take?
You all need to be together.
You need a common objective that suits everyone.
You need patience and a calm, happy atmosphere.
That's about it.
Sometimes parents make date nights with their kids, either alone or in various combinations.
It could be something similar. Or it could be a family project. It could be game night too.
It just needs to be something everyone is interested in so there are no "sour grapes" (nothing spoils a moment faster!)
Have a "moment" with your family. It will last a lifetime.
Wednesday, March 21, 2007
Absorb Your Success and Watch It Grow
We spent some time over the March break getting things in order around here. Decluttering - a seemingly never ending job - putting things away etc.
When we where finished, I found myself with a sense of peace over the following days, the mere act of walking in a room was calming and just made me feel good.
It occured to me that I needed to take notice of this feeling, absorb it and be sure to notice it, and my surroundings if I wanted to stay motivated to keep it that way.
All too often things get really nice, only to fall back after a busy spell, a time of illness or any number of road blocks.
But if we can fully ingrain the good stuff, feel it so fully that it feels off every time we waver away from it, we will find ourselves doing what it takes, taking that extra step, even when we don't feel like it, to keep things at the "new normal".
It becomes far too precious to us to loose.
What is your normal? What have you gotten used to, either good or bad?
If it's something good, you have found a way to keep it that way, how can you apply your strategy to a problem area in your life, or house?
Is your normal KAOS? Pick one area, work on it consistantly, if only for 5 minutes a day until it's a place where you feel good being. Notice it. Breath it in. Make it your new normal.
Use this strength to keep it this way, even when you don't feel like it.
Me? Even though I rather feel like vegging for awhile, I'm going to go and do my circuit for 1/2 hour because I really want to keep it this way!
Monday, March 19, 2007
Do It Anyway and Be Happy
So now I am more determined than ever to keep up my circuit, it is my saving grace amongst KAOS! (I will have more details on my circuit so that you can do it too... coming soon on my website, just waiting for a few more details on the graphics for my logo and we will be on our way)
I had been doing well but was having a complete block as to wanting to do one of the modules in my circuit - my hall - it is a gathering point, both at the bottom and top of our stairs.
So I decided to do a fun one first - I did 5 minute magic - choosing a corner that had been nagging me for a week. It was finished in about 3 minutes - why didn't I do it sooner? - so I continued on to the hall.
When the time was up, I set it for another 5 minutes, pushing myself to just do that.
In 5 minutes, it was pretty much finished both of hallways, so I worked another minute and got it done.
Now I am enjoying a coffee, feeling very good about my clean space and the fact that I didn't cave and go for the easy now, hard in the long run solution - which would have been to leave it and pretend that I was going to do it later - later never comes!
Push yourself to do what you know you need to do to function happily and peacefully. You will probably be amazed at how easy it ease. Reward yourself when you are finished.
If you are having a problem getting started, set your timer for 5 or 10 minutes, what ever you can manage. At the end of the time, you will likely want to finish it. If you don't, promise yourself that you will set aside another 5 or 10 minutes tomorrow, next hour or this evening, and do it again.
Keep it up until your task is finished. And feel great all the way knowing that you are heading in the right direction.
Feels good, doesn't it!
Sunday, March 18, 2007
Another Gift for Today
I decided to give myself the time to declutter something that has been nagging me, without rushing or feeling that I should be doing something else. Just enjoying the feeling of giving myself one more peaceful space, one more beautiful thing to look at when I walk into the room.
So I'm decluttering a small table that has a small waterfall on it that my sister gave me for Christmas. The waterfall has been empty for awhile, it's been "on my list". So today I'm getting it back in order.
March for me, is traditionally "me" month as it is my birthday so I try to re-evaluate and catch up on appointments etc.
This year I truly feel like I am getting a fresh start, partly from the progress I have made in organizing and clearing out what I don't need. It is an ongoing process.
A program that I really like and am going to start again from the beginning is Carole Pagan's program called Whole Life Overhaul.
It has a little bit of everything, you recieve an email every day as well as a weekly file download of each day so that you can print it or get a preview of what is coming.
She covers a lot of life areas. I love her down to earth style and practical advice. I have purchased every product that she has and found each one to be very good.
If you would like to get your start with me, sign up today. Your worth it.
If I get enough people who would like to join, I will consider starting a blog or forum just for us.
If you have some friends who might like to join us, now would be the perfect time to pass it on.
Whole Life Overhaul.
Plan to spend part of today decluttering or beautifying something of your choice, something that will increase the pleasure in your every day life, something that will take a load off, remove a small piece of stress that you have been living with every day.
If you'd like some guidance and new ideas, a daily incentive, join Carole at Whole Life Overhaul
I'll be doing it right along with you! If you join, send me your invoice number and let me know if you'd like to be notified if I create a forum or blog for us.
Saturday, March 17, 2007
House Wife Head
I realized that I looked a lot better than I usually do.
It has occured to me that much of the reason that I am looking older and more plain, is simply because I am not looking after my appearance the way I used to in my younger days. I NEVER left the house without doing my hair and make up back then. I remember myself as having character in my appearance - I wore eye catching earrings and clothes that suited my style, not just anything that fit and was fast to throw on.
Granted, I don't have the time now that I did then, but a lot of it was just habit and also the fear of someone seeing me look a mess. Now days I don't care about that so much, but the revelation is that I care what I look like. I feel so much more "me", and so much better when I look presentable.
So I wanted to share it with you, in case you are feeling frumpy. Maybe you still got the goods :0) You just need to take a bit of time in the presentation. Most imporantly, do it for your self.
The nice side effect may be more respect and acknowledgement from the people around you who have come to think you are part of the woodwork (I'm thinking kids at the moment, it can never hurt to give them a good example, but it could include husbands, inlaws, other family members and who knows who else)
Plan an extra 10 - 15 minutes per day to do your hair, a little make up if you choose, sometimes lip gloss is all it takes.
You'll look "marvelous" (think Billy Crystal and give yourself a kiss :0)
Saturday, March 10, 2007
Is Your Schedule "Wishy Washy"?
After I started having children, it became a challenge. I remember chatting with a girlfriend and we where commenting on how after spending a whole day at home, we where lucky to get one "thing" done.
Somewhere along the line, I gave up trying to schedule things, as interuptions and change of plans was an occurance measured by minutes, not hours, days or weeks.
I started winging it.
I realized the other day that although my kids have outgrown the juice, bath, snacks and feeding schedules (except for my 9 year old daughter who just came in and interupted me for a drink of juice I have sitting on my desk :0), I still operate by the mindset that I will do a task "if" I can.
Do you do that?
Are you at the point that with a bit of planning, will power, self discipline and (I forget what it was, she just interupted me again :0) - that you CAN make a plan, no matter how small, and do it? On a regular basis?
This can mean huge accomplishments and astounding peace around the house as you create your own oasis of calm and order, by "having it your way" again.
I am off right now for a family meeting with my husband and kids because they are old enough now (9 - 14 - 16 and 40) to be doing their share - we need to chat :0)
While they take some of the load off with their own chores, I will be brainstorming and implementing a few new "non negotiables" for myself, things that I had assumed that I could only wish for these days.
Ask yourself if there is any area of your life where you have been "stuck" by old limitations.
You might be surprised.
It may take a new approach. I a bit of planning. A bit of co operation.
Try one new thing if you find that in fact, you are still back in the dark ages, operating from your limitations of a decade ago.
Monday, March 05, 2007
Just Say Yes!
I've been "meaning" to bath our pomeranian for a few weeks, she was getting shtinky!
But I kept putting it off, waiting for my daughter - who's dog it "really" is, to be home to help, to have a night without other stuff to do etc etc.
Yesterday, on Sunday, she said, can we wash the Deva Dog (website coming soon :0) now?
Normally, I would have on autopilot just said no, I was in the middle of "other things".
But I somehow short circuited and just said Yes.
So up we went and gave the poor dog a bath.
It probably took about 20 minutes and it was finished.
I should have done it weeks ago!
What are you putting off that has passed beyond the point of waiting for a good time, into the point of feeling like a 100 lb weight on your shoulders.
Just go and do it. Then dance a little jig because it's out of your hair. Take a deep breath and feel the freedom!
Wednesday, February 28, 2007
Declutter that Sock Basket, Once and for All!
My sock basket has been an eye sore in my bedroom and a general all around pain in the butt for as long as I can remember.
I finally figured out the secret to decluttering the sock basket once and for all.
I sorted through the basket piling socks by owner, matching any obvious pairs as I went. After doing that, the piles are then placed in a smaller basket or box for "the owner" to sort and manage. The box or basket now belongs in their bedroom instead of mine!
It's so simple and effective.
One thing you may want to do is to check periodically that "the owner" is sorting and putting away so that they don't end up with a sock fest all over their bedroom.
I am going to get my younger daughter to do her sorting before she takes hers to her room so I am sure that it gets done.
I now have a new 2x2 square feet of clear space in my bedroom, and one less thing to nag me daily.
ACTION TIP - Manage Your Socks!
Sort all of your socks that have accumulated into your sock basket or pile into piles by owner.
You may want to do a grand sorting first, we did one a few weeks ago.
Be ruthless is getting rid of old and holey socks.
You can use "some" of them for rags, kids have fun putting them on and using them to dust. (that's on their hands, although I'm sure they would have more fun dusting with their feet :0)
If you have really nice socks, you can cut the feet off and use the squares to make a little blanket. But don't allow this to become another pile (been there, done that :0)
Let your kids know that their socks are now their own responsibility.
If you don't have a nice, little basket or box for them, make it a point to get one.
Younger kids would probably enjoy decorating a box for their room, maybe with some sock people.
Take one grand step towards peace and tranquility. Get the sock basket out of your bedroom!
(another great advantage to this is that you will no longer have people wandering through your bedroom looking for socks - and even better - they won't expect you to know where their socks are!)
Saturday, February 24, 2007
Blitz At My House This Week
So, now that I have awakened :0) I am seeing things with a new eye and really am motivated to spend this week with a focus on getting rid of the things that I have been hanging on to.
Since I've spent so much time in my bedroom, I must be getting sick of it (pardon the pun) as I had an irrestistable urge to change the furniture around.
In doing so I am also cleaning out a corner that has collected a lot of stuff, a corner that's been "on the list" for quite awhile.
While our pomeranian pup isn't going to be happy, it's her place that she goes when she needs privacy, I will be happy to get rid of it.
Make this week your blitz week. It's going to be spring soon, so why not celebrate by spending some time preparing your house for the days when you don't want to be in it.
Do your usual cleaning routine with an eye to the piles that you have been ignoring or putting off.
Also look at the things that you have been hanging on to for no reason.
Now is the time to get rid of them.
Have you got an odd sock basket? Sort it and get rid of it. That's a good start!
Magazines? Books? The library would love them.
Cupboards? What could you do with some extra space if you get rid of the old stuff you don't use?
Could you save on your groceries this week if you use up some of the items that have been sitting there for awhile.
I hope you join me this week with your own "Blitz".
Flash forward to next weekend. You'll be glad you did.
Saturday, February 17, 2007
Happiness Really Is In the Small Things
I was soaking in the tub the other day and looking at a candle holder that holds about 8 candles that is beside our tub. I don't think that there is anything that I enjoy more than a nice soak in the tub. Back in "the day" I used to do it for an hour or more with a magazine and a glass of wine, I can't seem to sit still that long now, and I need the relax time these days.
Anyway, the only thing better is a bath with candles. Guess who hasn't had candles set up in the bathroom for who knows how long?
We have been sick with the flu that past few weeks, I am due for a nice candle lit soak. So today if I do nothing else, I am going to get the candles set up in the bathroom!
It is so small, yet such a big thing in the all around enjoyment of my life.
What do you have already that you don't use or haven't set up that can make your life more enjoyable. Or what little thing can you do right now that you have been putting off until something bigger is finished.
Think about it and do at least one small thing to improve your home and/or your life today. It really doesn't take much - it could be candles, flowers on your table or desk, a new bedspread or sheets (my other favourite thing, fresh bedding and a good book) It can be a nice table lamp for your dresser in your bedroom, or a nice floor lamp in your livingroom. It can be as easy as taking 15 minutes to spruce up a small corner of a room in your house - declutter something that has been bothering you and then add something nice to the empty space. Wash some windows or add a bit of paint to something.
The ideas are endless. Just do one for today and keep it done. It will make a difference.
Friday, February 09, 2007
Speaking of Lack
Because I was repeating it to myself as I went along after an especially trying evening with my youngest daughter - "it will never BE enough".
It struck me right away that I was in a place of lack again, not lack in the manner of time, but in manner of me. The knowing that I doing my best, and that it is good enough and then some, but acknowledging the nagging fear that I am not providing "enough" - even though consciously I know that I am.
This is a treadmill that can make you downright miserable and is almost unbeatable unless you take it by the horns as soon as you finding yourself "going there". The best thing that can happen to you is that you become aware that this is what is nagging you. Then you can beat it.
Since it is mostly psychological, it will usually be proceeded by triggers. It will creep upon you when you are tired, when you are over scheduled and especially when people complain at you or treat you in a disrespectful manner - even if they are not justified in their claims.
What to do?
Remember this quote.
"I am what I am, Dat's all what I am".
It's from Popeye, the original self development guru!
Don't let this insidious sense of lack interfere with your productivity and happiness.
And don't forget to examine your boundaries.
This is huge. Are you allowing people in your life to treat you in such a way that you feel "less than"? If so, your productivity, your creativity, and your joy is going to fly out the window. And it will show in your environment - your house and the feeling of peace that you are trying to achieve.
When you find yourself wondering if "you" are enough, in what ever area of life it may be, remember Popeye.
And set your boundaries. The best way to do this is gently. A soft resolve. Draw the line and don't allow it to be crossed without consequences. Make it clear and stand firm.
Thursday, February 08, 2007
Crazy Buzy?
I haven't always been this way, at one time, many years ago it seems, I just lived. I rushed when I had to go somewhere as I almost always lost my keys or spent too long on my hair (like I said, a loong time ago!)
But I didn't have the mindset that I do now, the constant need to fit 110% into a 100% time slot.
I first noticed it when my first child was born. An herein lies the key.
That was when I first started getting interupted on a regular basis.
So I started rushing to get everything and everything finished before the next interuption. (and it never seems to stop, actually it only gets bigger - he's 16 now and called me at 9 am from school yesterday to bring his backpack that he forgot - my first much anticipated "office day" in some time. The school is 45 min away!)
Anyway, I just interupted myself :0)
After that, I had a daughter, the another daughter, then a home business, then another home business.
They snowball onto themselves until life is almost one big interuption with me scurrying in between to "do something".
The one thing that all of this has in common is that I now have an ingrained fear of lack.
I am constantly feeling a lack of time. Like "my time" has been taken away from me. It's a common Mom thing. We're doing something bigger, we need to keep site of that, but the fact is, our time... our life... is no longer our own.
The good news is that there are ways to make it better.
The first one is to step back and breath, on a regular basis :0)
Hurrying and scurrying becomes so much a part of us that we don't even realise that this has become our mindset.
Slow down. Life is not going to get away on you. Ironically, the more you chase it, the farther away it gets.
Tomorrow I will post a very easy and practical tool that you can use to change your mindset instantly. It works for me!
Look at your mind set. What condition is it in?
Are you rushing constantly, even when you really don't have to. Are you always trying to fit one more thing in just because you can (or even when you can't) You need to step back.
Take a deep breath. It will relax you and energize you. And give you a moment to pause.
Do this as often as possible through out the day.
Remember - no matter how fast you go, there are only 24 hours in a day, you can't change that!
And they are a limited comodity. Better enjoy them NOW.
Monday, February 05, 2007
Maybe It's In the WAY That You Spend It
I wasn’t of much help because #1, I had no idea where she had put it and #2, she has two, one older one that is very similar to the new one.
It occurred to me – why does she even have two? There is a pretty good reason, the old one was still usable but it’s nice to send them off to a new year with new school supplies, so she got a new one in Sept. But it did get me thinking that she has far too many “twos” (or more)
Both of my daughter’s have “shoe collections”. When I was a kid I had one pair that lasted me the entire year, my "good" shoes for school became my play shoes for summer (besided winter boots and one pair of slippers)
So I got pondering why this is. We are not rich. When they where young, they got a lot of “new to you” things from relatives, but we never went overboard on shopping.
And it hit me. I never used credit cards back then. It wasn’t so easy to cave when they wanted something, frivolous purchases just where not the norm.
It is nice to be able to pick up some extras sometimes, but I think the availability of credit in our house has created a few problems.
Firstly, I just did bills last night, and we never seem to get far with our credit card payments. As fast as we pay, they are “loaded” again.
Secondly, there is so much more clutter than I ever had growing up. Because we just have too much. Mostly stuff that isn’t even used, or so junky that it breaks after a week or so.
It also does nothing to teach the kids that everything doesn’t grow on trees. My 2 older “pre credit card” kids seem to know this lesson and pay for most of their own extras. But my youngest resembles a movie star marching through the store - she'll take one of everything some days. One time I bought her a doll that she “had to have” and when we got it home I forgot to give it to her. She never noticed! Ever!
It was an eye opener for me.
I think that I am going to go back to cash when shopping at the mall in particular. Cash for groceries as opposed to the debit card also helps to cut spending. That’s a whole other story.
Think about your spending habits. Not so much what you spend it on, but how you are spending it. Look into the habit of using cash or the envelope system.
Get your shopping habits under control and the benefits will trickle down in many ways.
PS - I came across this handy tool that is the answer to a lot of the problems that I and many of us have with tracking our spending, especially when using credit and debit cards as well as cash.It's called Budget Map, it works just like a check register only it includes your budget and/or tracking system for all areas.
It's very simple to use - my kind of thing (if it's not simple, it won't work for me!)
Budget Map - Makes it easy to keep it together for a change!
Friday, February 02, 2007
I have been making some changes in the KAOS blog world.
To make it a little easier to focus on your area of interest, this blog will be geared towards making home, family and your self happier and healthier through time management and organization skills and ideas.
My newest blog - Time Management For Work At Home Mom's - Everyday KAOS, is geared towards home business success.
Both contain the basic priniciples - practical application and advice in the areas of time management skills, organization, tools and resources that I like to use to make it all easier and more efficient and most importantly, more fun. We only live once. Really.
You'll be able to have a peek at my day to day experiences, my highs, my lows and everything in between and how I cope and even triumph some days. And how you can too.
You can check out Time Management for Work At Home Mom's - Everyday KAOS - as it happens!
Be sure to sign up to get an email subscription so that you don't miss anything.
You can do that on the sidebar for this blog as well (you need to sign up for both if you would like to recieve both blog posts to your email)I will probably try to get on a schedule of posting to each blog on alternate days so as not to flood your inbox sporadically.
Both will contain the Action Tips feature, this is a section at the end of each entry that will give you a specific action to focus on until the next entry comes along.
Why? Because knowledge is nothing without action, period. And action is often the missing element. So I try to make it easy.
Subscribe to the blog of your interest or both if you work at home.
Access the subscribe box for this blog in the top right hand corner.
Access the Work at Home blog by clicking this link. Sign up box is in the top right corner as well.
Time Management for Work At Home Mom's - Everyday KAOS
Saturday, January 13, 2007
It's Sad, but Sometimes We Bring It On Ourselves - I Know I Do!
I was contemplating how I dug in and stuck to my guns today, doing my BOOST Circuit as I was supposed to, to keep the house nice this weekend, instead of working on my far overdue bookkeeping. Have you ever been tempted by work when you had other obligations?
I had a shower and walked up the stairs to my bedroom, so totally relaxed in the feeling of peace and freedom that the clear and clean spaces gave me.
And it occurred to me how easily I could have spared myself a lifetime of guilt and feelings of failure but simply sticking to my guns, sticking to my plans, the ones that I made for myself!
It all boils down to self discipline, trying to get away with something, and trying to do too much.
I have always found it ironic when I would have people drop in and would be horrified at the mess, and know that these people are thinking that I’m a lazy sloth.
Nothing can be farther from the truth.
I have unbelievable drive. I jump out of bed at the earliest time I can wedge my eyeballs open every morning and work until I can’t keep my eyes open at night.
I seldom watch TV or do much of anything that isn’t “doing” something.
But sometime I still fall behind.
And I know exactly why. It’s because I don’t always discipline myself to do what I know I know I should be doing. This leaves me scattered. And that does not accomplish what needs to be done in the order that it needs to be done in.
I think that by plowing through that I WILL get it all done, and I probably will, but at what cost?
My kids get muddled and stressed with the mess, what kind of an example I am setting I shudder to think.
The feeling that I just can’t get it right on those days, and those days are the ones that stand out like a sore thumb.
All it takes is the pledge to yourself, to do what you say you will.
Do you ever notice that the people who have it “together” have an iron will of self discipline? The are in control and don’t let what they need to do be messed with.
Take an example from them. (The ebook by Carole Pagan called “Confessions of a Clean Freak” is an inside look on one of “those people”. Ever wanted to be a fly on a wall. Now you can!)
Set clear priorities first. Every day.
Home and family are a must. And the basics are a neat and functional home. And proper meals.
That comes first – a little bit every day is all that it takes.
If you can relate, believe me, it isn’t hard, it just takes conviction to stick to your plan.
Make one today. Make it doable and stick to it. And be sure to make it consistant.
The feeling of accomplishment – that you have ARRIVED – is so energizing that you will blast off from there to get the rest done.
Your family will win, your business will win, and you will win, big time.
Start today.
Thursday, January 11, 2007
January is the Month of Beginnings
December is endings, time to tidy up all the odds and ends so that we have a clean slate to work on in the new year.
January of course is beginnings, a most exciting time for the middle of winter!
I am always busy in January reorganizing and creating new systems so that I can get things done faster and with less stress.
Some of them last, some of them don't :0)
One of the best and most practicle in terms of targeted usability that I've stumbled on in a long time is Jeanette Cates "Organize Your Online Biz" package.
Think tools.
It gives you actual downloads of worksheets that you can use to see everything at a glance, you can set them up in minutes.
She has videos and an audio as well as so much more, I started using it the same day I got it and just can't believe how valuable it is.
I can forsee it to be one of the best purchases I've made for my biz in 2007, and the good news is that it doesn't cost $97.00+!
You can see it here Organize Your Online Biz
I really hope that you check it out, it really can help you to crack down on the KAOS this year!